Jewelry & Pearl Factory 0 Baht

Location : Phuket

With pleasure to invite you to visit the world’s biggest jewelry factory free round trip transportation as the complimentary and free tax.

The numerous of the products but the specific items from the different design and materials. All goods made for the unique one, the design to tell who you are, elegant, simply, fantasy and beautiful.

«Gems Gallery Phuket» is one of the jewelry factory and the store for tax-free products. You can be absolutely satisfied with the items and the price. The varieties of goods and the varieties of prices, starts from 0 bahts up to a million bahts.   (Free transfer)


Good value with the certification of guarantee: lifetime guarantee, certificate ISO.9002

Tour Packages :
Jewelry & Pearl Factory
Travel Date :  *
Number of People : Adult(s) :     Child :    
Total Price : 
Your Name (First Name/Surname) :   *
Mobile Number :   *
Email Address :   *
Country :   *
Pick up from :   *
Drop off to :   *
Hotel Name :   *
Other Special Request : 
Security Code : 